Sunday, March 30, 2014

Matthew 5:20
For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed [the righteousness] of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.

The severity of our sin is underestimated by us all. We will never be able to comprehend it until we are in eternal glory. We will never be able to see just how much Jesus loves us because our minds are literally incapable of it. The weight He took from us and carried to the cross was immense. There, at Calvary, He nailed our sins to the cross and said "it is finished". In that moment, sin no longer had bondage over anyone who would accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. We have to be absolutely perfect in Gods eyes to get into heaven. I would boldly say that we have to be as righteous as Jesus in order to be accepted into Heaven. On our own, we have nothing but rubble. Jesus intercedes for us and clothes us in His righteousness. "When He shall come, and trumpets sound. Oh my I then, in Him be found. Dressed in His righteousness alone, faultless stand before the throne." That is my prayer. He is where I place my hope. When I stand before the judgment seat, I am confident that Jesus will intercede on my behalf and I will hear the words, "well done My good and faithful servant".
Application: smile, I'm going to Heaven.

Matthew 5:19
Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach [them], the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

Oh, how I long to be a doer of the Word, not just a hearer. In that same way, I also desire to be both a doer and a sayer. What shows a more personal conviction, the action of saying what is right, or doing what is right? Well it is quite obvious that if we really do love Christ, we will be doers. He says that if we love Him, we will follow His commands. When I think back on my childhood, I vividly remember not agreeing with rules my parents gave me. For instance, I wanted to be able to play video games a long time, and they regulated my time to 45 minuets twice a week. I wanted to play more, but looking back on it, I realize that it would have been a waste of time. Even the time they let me play was a waste of time. I see now that their command was in my best interest. My obedience to that command was also in my best interest. By both of these factors, their command and my obedience to it, I had ample amount of timetable play outside, surf, spend time with my family, and other such activities I would have missed out on. Because I obeyed that seemingly dumb rule, I am so much closer with my parents than I could have otherwise been, God is the same way. He gives us commands, not because He wants to take away our fun, but because He loves us. He wants a relationship with us and when we sin, it separates us from Him. It puts a rift in our relationship that He gave His life to have. How heartbreaking. He is my father and I must obey His commands because I want to show Him how much I love Him. The best way to show my love, is through my obedience. No matter how much I want something, I must obey.

Matthew 5:18
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

What is it that must be fulfilled for the law to no longer hold weight? What will cause heaven and earth to pass away? "For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away." That which is perfect is when we are fully perfected in Heaven. When Christ has fully perfected us and we are resting in His unfailing loving presence, only then will the law be without need. Only then will we be made fully perfect in Christ and therefor have no use for rules and restriction. We won't have flesh which seeks to fulfill its own desires. We will be selfless beings worshipping God with our all. How exciting, we will finally live out the worship songs that we sing such as "I surrender all" and I'm giving you my All". For it is not possible to live up to such grand boasts while there is even the slightest amount of flesh in us. But I believe in a day when our Lord Jesus who has covered our sins, will perfect us. In that day, we will truly be able to give Him our all.

Application: pray for Holy fire in my soul and hatred for sin.

Matthew 5:17
Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

It is so important to grasp this concept as a Christian. I often find myself neglecting my study of the law laid out in the Torah. I will justify it by saying "oh, this is what Jesus saved me from having to follow." In. Sense, this is true. He has perfected the law by His ultimate sacrifice on the cross to wash my sins away, but how can I fully appreciate His saving me if I cannot see how much I needed saving? Now granted, we will never know exactly how much He saved us from because we can not possibly understand the weight and price of our sin. Understanding the law can give us a glimpse into how seriously we aught to take our vile sin. So often we find it nothing to cry about when we disrespect our parents, or when we lie to them. According to the law, such a sin carried the penalty of death. Needless to say, we would not still be alive if Jesus hadn't fulfilled the law. We are such weary sinners saved by grace through faith, not by our pathetic works lest any man should boast. I will rest in my faith in Jesus and His grace, there I find my peace again.
Application: pray for a deeper conviction of my sin.

Matthew 5:16
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

No matter the circumstances that I find myself in. No matter the internal pain and swirling emotions I may be feeling. No matter the course my life is taking, I must let my works reflect and glorify God. If I am failing to do this, than what is the good in me claiming to be a Christian, or sharing my faith with someone? If there is no light permitting from me, why would anyone desire to take my beliefs as their own? There are too many Christians in this world who are hiding their light and not letting it shine through in their works. This is perhaps the greatest hindrance to the furtherance of the gospel, luke warm Christians. Darkness and light cannot be put together, if I am not permitting light, than there is darkness in my heart. I know that I want to glorify God, but the things that hinder my accomplishing this goal are always rooted in my heart. Things that I lock inside of there that aren't pleasing to Him. These are places that I must first be broken in. Things that I must realize the effect that they are having on my relationship with Christ. I then must apply the precious blood of Jesus to those things and let Him take them from me. Only then, when I am fully given to Him, will His light shine unhindered through me and lead others to glorify my father who is in heaven.
Application: continue to pray for my pride to be cut away for that is where most of my issues spring. 
1 Corinthians 9:27
 But I keep under my body, and bring [it] into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.

Few things are more disappointing and heartbreaking than someone being disqualified from ministry. Wether it be a temporary disqualification, or a permanent one, it is very painful for everyone involved. I recently disqualified myself from the ministry that God had for me. I was going to be spending 6 months in Costa Rica helping working at a kids club and using surfing as a ministry tool. Unfortunately due to a lack of discipline and self control, I disqualified myself from that ministry. God is using it in my life and growing me through it, and I can so clearly see His hand working on my heart. He is my shepherd and even when I wonder and am disqualified from certain blessings He had for me, He rejoices at my return to His presence. Like the prodigal son was rejoiced over and greeted at his return, so has my heavenly father run to meet me with open arms. I feel the passionate love He has for me more now than ever before. Even though this is the most difficult thing I have ever gone through in my life, I will choose to rejoice in what God is accomplishing in me. He won't relent until He has every part of me.

1 Corinthians 9:26
I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air:

I know what lays ahead of me. I know where my heart rests: in the presence of Jesus forever. This enables me to run this race with confidence, knowing it is for something so much greater than anything I could ever imagine. I am so sure that my faith shall become sight. Nothing and no one will ever be able to strip that away from me. I have felt the presence of Jesus and it has warmed my heart. He has given me purpose and direction. I will not forget the ways He has reviled Himself to me. The ways that He has taken hold of my heart. In this great love that He has for me and in the love that I have for Him, I will continue to confidently run this race in the strength He supplies me with. I can not do it on my own, and the greatest thing is that I do not have to run it alone. Not only is He the rewarder of our efforts, but also the enabler. I know that He will and is enabling me to continue on in this race. Even when my run becomes a crawl, I can feel His presence helping me through the difficulties. He has never, and will never let go of me.
Application: pray for Him to strengthen me through today,  to reveal Himself in a new way today.

2 Corinthians 9:25
 And every man that striveth for the mastery which is temperate in all things. Now they [do it] to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible.

The key word here is strive. To put forth no small amount of effort, to go against the grain, to climb up hill. I hope that we can all agree on at least this one point. We as Christians, are in fact striving for what is not temperate. Heaven is just around the corner for all of us and, I don't know about you, but I am seeking to build my treasure there. I am striving to please The Lord with my life so that I might hear "well done my good and faithful servant". Now, here is where we may disagree. There are things on this earth worthy of having, and can be given by God that are okay to have. However, when we have to strive for anything other than what is incorruptible, it is sin by the nature of its ability to consume our focus and effort. Not only is it sin, but for those of us who persist and take, what we take will be worse than what God intended for us. Many things temporal are morally neutral, such as a spouse. They can be a good thing and ultimately glorify God, or a bad thing. However, they will probably be a bad thing if we have to take our focus off of God, and strive for that person instead of God. If we are striving for God, our hearts are in the right place, we will be blessed, and He will be glorified. Be a man of one focus and one heart.
Application: pray this morning for my heart and will to be aligned with God's. 
1 Corinthians 9:23
And this I do for the gospel's sake, that I might be partaker thereof with [you].

What did Paul do for the gospels sake that he could partake of it with us? He humbled himself, he became all things to all people that he might have an advantage of sharing The Lord with every culture and demographic that he presented himself to. This is such an applicable concept to everyone who is trying to share the Gospel with people. I Benjamin, am an 19 year old surfer. If it is I who am living an unbroken life, than my demographic of people who I can effectively minister is minuscule. In fact, it might be nonexistent based off of the fact that me holding my identity is holding my pride, and that is not being dead to self. Be like a child to children, a Kenyan to the people of Kenya, a Costa Rican to the people of Costa Rica, and a Guatemalan to the people of Guatemala. You will find this difficult task much less arduous if you are surrendered to God. I think I finally know what pastor Mike meant when he said "you don't know that Jesus loves all of the children in the whole world." It only makes logical sense that if I love Jesus, I will obey Him. If he loves all of the children in the world, then so should I. How would I show that? By letting go of my rights and selfish desires so that I could truly love them. He was right, it's not that I didn't have the head knowledge that Jesus loves every little boy and girl in he world, I Simply didn't apply it to my life. Lord save me from myself.
Run the race for the prize. Go all out for Jesus in everything that you do. No matter what it may be, showing that you are all in for the glory of God displays a brutal execution of self love. Wether you are staking chairs, resisting temptation, leading worship, worshiping, preaching a sermon, or doing the dishes. Go all out for Jesus, I can promise you that you will be blessed and you will be running the race well.
Application: Don't focus on past mistakes. Take it day by day focusing on Jesus.
Memorize Micah 6:8.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Philippians 3:12
Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.

We have not attained perfection, I can look back on every 30 minuets of my life and see noticeable places where I have fallen short. But Jesus loves me all the same. He sees that it is a process, attaining perfection that is, and is patient enough to walk us through it. I have never thought too deeply into the shepherd analogy, I have always just though of Him protecting and leading us in all wisdom and strength, but, where is He leading us? Surly to a place better than where we are. Surly God, our all knowing shepherd who wants nothing but the best for us is leading us on to perfection. He is leading us to Perfect love which casts out all fear, which trusts in Him, which has peace in Him. When we go astray, we will lose sight of our shepherd, we will get scared and lost. At this point we realize how much more so se desire to be near our shepherd and when He comes and finds us, we learn to love Him all the more. He uses even the failures in our lives to grow us and to show us how much He really does love us.

Application: sing the song "I love, I love, I love your presence. I love, I love, I love you Jesus."  
Philippians 3:11
 If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead.

The resurrection from the dead, I suppose, is referring to our new life that we find in Christ. When we die to our own desires needs and wants, He will give us His desires and make us effective tools in His hand; powerful weapons for the kingdom of God; moldable clay in the potters hand that can be made into something beautiful. That is what Christ wants for each and every one of us. He wants to make us into beautiful things.
Application: endure today and let the joy of The Lord emanate from me. 
Philippians 3:10
That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;

What am I willing to endure for the sake of my love for Christ? Anything thing and everything. I can believe this with my whole heart because I know that no matter what He sees fit to put me through, He is leading the way. He is taking my hand and comforting me. It is in the sufferings and in the valley that I learn to love His presence. I learn to trust in Him no matter what He does, for I know the thoughts He has for me are thoughts of good, not of evil. I can look at His death and resurrection as a testament for His great love for me. He endured the cross for me, how could I ever think that He would simply let me go after such an act of love. Furthermore, He raised from the dead thus giving meaning to my life. As Paul says in 1 Corinthians, "if Christ didn't rise from the dead our faith is in vane." Because Christ rose from the dead, I know that my faith in Him is valid. It gives me the initiative and a love for Him that let's me be conform able even to the point of death.
Application: Rejoice in the Joy of The Lord today. He will be my strength and my peace.
Philippians 3:9
And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:

Why would we ever want our own righteousness when the righteousness He can give us makes us white as snow? The law is a representation of all that we can do to try and make our own selves righteous, but it will never be enough. We will always be filth in God's eyes without the intersession of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. I have heard it said that, "you will never be able to comprehend what Jesus did for you on the cross until you can comprehend the severity of your own sin; and you will never know the severity of your own sin." The truth is that we would never even approach the standard of being let into heaven under our own righteousness. Jesus had to make an intercession in order to perfect us. Romans 8:34 says, "Who [is] he that condemneth? [It is] Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us." And Hebrews 2:10, "For it became him, for whom [are] all things, and by whom [are] all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings." Jesus made that intercession. He is the captain of our salvation and the means by which we are made righteous. And how do we attain this righteousness? By faith. Hebrews 11:6 says, "But without faith [it is] impossible to please [him]: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and [that] he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." Our faith in God is how we attain righteousness, knowing that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him, we then must live our life in a manner that He finds pleasing. This is how we show our faith and gratitude for the righteousness He has made available to us on the cross.
Nothing that we can produce on our own is worth anything, so now I inquire, why do I have pride? It really is an interesting concept, how the created being can account anything to himself that The creator has given him; that I could take pride in any gift or skill that God has given me. It is a heart issue that can only be changed by account of a willing vessel and a transforming God. The latter is insured, the prior is in progress.

Application: read the list I wrote for myself of practical applications and traits of a humble man, and purpose in my heart to apply them to my life indefinitely.

Philippians 2:8
 and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, becoming obedient even unto death, yea, the death of the cross.

Dying on the cross was His ultimate joy. It pleased Him knowing the future rewards of doing so and He thought of me as He went to the cross. He thought of me as His body was defiled beyond recognition. He thought of me as He as nailed to a board. He thought of me as He suffocated. My savior loved me even when I was His enemy. He knew my life before I lived it, yet He still dies for me. How can I not dies to self and serve Him with everything I am? That is my reasonable service.

Luke 17:10
So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do.

Maybe we are to be completely unhopeful of an earthly reward. Yes, God is good and will provide for our every need if we Trust Him, but I wouldn't expect anything. This parable very much discredits prosperity gospel. The servants do the work of God and are unprofitable. They expect no earthly reward which is what so many Christians here on earth are focused on. I will say however that if you are a faithful servant of God, your reward in heaven will be substantial. Our work isn't in vain, it is an investment that won't come to full fruition until we ascend to heaven.

Hebrews 12:28 Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear:

Application: pray for strength to be a good servant.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Philippians 3:9
And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:

Why would we ever want our own righteousness when the righteousness He can give us makes us white as snow? The law is a representation of all that we can do to try and make our own selves righteous, but it will never be enough. We will always be filth in God's eyes without the intersession of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. I have heard it said that, "you will never be able to comprehend what Jesus did for you on the cross until you can comprehend the severity of your own sin; and you will never know the severity of your own sin." The truth is that we would never even approach the standard of being let into heaven under our own righteousness. Jesus had to make an intercession in order to perfect us. Romans 8:34 says, "Who [is] he that condemneth? [It is] Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us." And Hebrews 2:10, "For it became him, for whom [are] all things, and by whom [are] all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings." Jesus made that intercession. He is the captain of our salvation and the means by which we are made righteous. And how do we attain this righteousness? By faith. Hebrews 11:6 says, "But without faith [it is] impossible to please [him]: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and [that] he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." Our faith in God is how we attain righteousness, knowing that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him, we then must live our life in a manner that He finds pleasing. This is how we show our faith and gratitude for the righteousness He has made available to us on the cross.
Nothing that we can produce on our own is worth anything, so now I inquire, why do I have pride? It really is an interesting concept, how the created being can account anything to himself that The creator has given him; that I could take pride in any gift or skill that God has given me. It is a heart issue that can only be changed by account of a willing vessel and a transforming God. The latter is insured, the prior is in progress.

Application: read the list I wrote for myself of practical applications and traits of a humble man, and purpose in my heart to apply them to my life indefinitely.

Philippians 3:10
That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;

What am I willing to endure for the sake of my love for Christ? Anything thing and everything. I can believe this with my whole heart because I know that no matter what He sees fit to put me through, He is leading the way. He is taking my hand and comforting me. It is in the sufferings and in the valley that I learn to love His presence. I learn to trust in Him no matter what He does, for I know the thoughts He has for me are thoughts of good, not of evil. I can look at His death and resurrection as a testament for His great love for me. He endured the cross for me, how could I ever think that He would simply let me go after such an act of love. Furthermore, He raised from the dead thus giving meaning to my life. As Paul says in 1 Corinthians, "if Christ didn't rise from the dead our faith is in vane." Because Christ rose from the dead, I know that my faith in Him is valid. It gives me the initiative and a love for Him that let's me be conform able even to the point of death.
Application: Rejoice in the Joy of The Lord today. He will be my strength and my peace.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Philippians 3:8
Yea doubtless, and I count all things [but] loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them [but] dung, that I may win Christ,

I don't feel like I have lost anything in my relationship with Christ. In fact, I feel  the opposite is true. I am not referring to a spiritual and everlasting sense either. I feel that as I have begun to live my life for Christ and not myself, things just work out better. Let me give you and an example. For eight years of my life. My main focus and priority was to excel in the sport of surfing. I put countless hours in and out of the ocean to get better at the sport and eventually began to burn out. Not that I was loosing my desire to surf, but I was tired of the contests, I hadn't traveled in a while and I wasn't good enough to make a living doing it. I began to reexamine my life and re evaluate my motives. I began to focus on my relationship with Christ and not so much surfing. I still surfed as often as I had before, but it became something I did purely for fun, not for competition or pride. I started loving it more and seeing it as an opportunity to talk to people about The Lord. The unforeseen result of this was a huge jump in my performance. I started surfing better than ever. I continued to focus on God and it led me to Pottersfield which is basically a 10 month guaranteed period of no surfing. But God took the gift that He has given me and is now choosing to use it Asa ministry tool. I will be spending 6 months in Costa Rica at a place that I had taken a surf trip to. Up to this point, I have suffered very little loss for Christ. He has led me by still waters and set my feet on high places. I am truly great flu for everything He is doing in me, for me, and through me. He has even shown me a possible outcome for my future that I cannot discus at this point. Maybe I have suffered some form of projected financial prosperity, but I don't even care. I am living in the will of God, and there I will rest.

Application: praise The Lord and thank Him.

Philippians 2:8
 and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, becoming obedient even unto death, yea, the death of the cross.

Dying on the cross was His ultimate joy. It pleased Him knowing the future rewards of doing so and He thought of me as He went to the cross. He thought of me as His body was defiled beyond recognition. He thought of me as He as nailed to a board. He thought of me as He suffocated. My savior loved me even when I was His enemy. He knew my life before I lived it, yet He still dies for me. How can I not dies to self and serve Him with everything I am? That is my reasonable service.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Philippians 4:11
Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, [therewith] to be content.
What does being content in every state look like? And how can I attempt to become so? Questions like these are important to ask and think through, because frankly, I don't know the answer. I don't know that I have ever been fully content in a situation. Even now as I write, I am not content. I feel like I have written all that I desire to write about being content considering my IBS For yesterday. How silly that is of me. I actually had a mindset going into this believing that God wasn't going to show me anything new. I amaze myself each and everyday with how hypocritical I really am.
I suppose the first step to being content is to put your full trust and hope in God. If we understand that He will keep His promises and live accordingly, being content would be rather easy. That is, it would be easy for a robot. Entertain this concept with me for a moment. Suppose we were only mentally capable of calculation, no emotion. It would be so easy for us to be content, it would be easy for all man kind to believe in God. We would never doubt His existence for the simple reason that it is logical. Not that The gospel is logical, but the existence of God is a logical conclusion that can only be denied from a position which requires emotion. I don't believe the evidence or the science because I refuse to believe in a god. I understand the value of emotions, but I also understand their capability of addling our minds. They are a poisonous thing hat we let substitute sanity and reason. They are an unexplainable part of everyone's personality that speaks volumes beyond anything else about them. Emotions start wars, emotions lead to the creation of children. They are the cattail it's of humanity, without them  what would the human race really be? Well we would probably be more advanced, not that emotions haven't propelled the advancement in fields of science and engineering, but unrestricted reason and logic would certainly be an advantage in fields such as these. Buty, without emotion, we would merely understand our need for a savior, we wouldn't be able to feel it. We wouldn't see the problem with sin because we wouldn't be able to relate to God. We would, by the very nature of our intellectual superiority, be mindless. This, was of course, not Gods intent for us. He desired our affection and still does to this day. We feel the weight and burden of sin because we are aware of its affect on God. Thus The Holly spirit convicts us when we fall into it. Honestly, our emotion seems to be a conglomeration of our flesh and The Spirit working out the way we feel about everything. The only problem is we let our flesh drown Gods spirit deep within us. To be completely content is an impossibility. Just as impossible as it is to be without sin. But we are to trust in The Lord at the VERY least, as if we were void of emotion, and love Him the way that we are. I believe that as we continue to grow under His loving care that we begin to believe for ourselves the evidence of the intangible effects He has on our hearts. We then begin to trust in Him with our emotions and our heart. Thus resulting in a state of being joyfully content.

Application: write "Be a man" on my arm so that I remember to be content.

Get pastor Gary's email from Sarah and ask him to pray for you that you may be able to focus fully on God while here.

Philippians 2:7
but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in the likeness of men;

To empty oneself is to strip yourself of all rights that you would normally be inclined to think you have. It would be to take any respect, success, status, and prowess that you may possess, and count it as vain glory for the kingdom of God. Us men ultimately have no such things to begin with if we are eternally minded. We are all living for an earthly placebo which ultimately comes to a disappointing fruition when we realize we were made to worship, not be worshipped. Our status means nothing, but Jesus' status means everything real and eternal. He stripped Himself of His Godhood that He might live among us as one of us. This seems so illogical to me. Why would anyone do it? We on earth will never be able to understand it fully. It is an understatement indeed to say He did it because He loved us. But maybe not to God. That word, "Love"' means far more to God than it ever will to us. He needed us, not because He was lacking us, but because we need to be needed. We have to be drawn and enter into worship of God. Even if God were not real, I would not count my worship as vain because it still keeps me at peace doing what I was created to do. It grants me a better sense of worth and makes my life seem more valuable. What an interesting thought. Even if God were a hoax, my worship of nothing would benefit me more than my self worship. Interesting how being a Christian is a win win no matter how you look at it.

Application: worship God with your life like it is the only thing worth anything; it is.

Philippians 2:5-6
  Have this mind in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
 who, existing in the form of God, counted not the being on an equality with God a thing to be grasped,

I suppose that if we indeed have a part of the Godhead dwelling within us, we can act as if we were God. As in we can through His guidance make a right choice. On our own accord, it is not likely. Not because we are incapable, statistically, of making a right choice, but because once you make a wrong choice, you are taken off of the right path. An other wrong choice, and you are even further off of the path thus making it a statistical impossibility for you on your own accord to make a right choice which would bring you back to the path and direction that God has for you. Jesus did not consider being equal with God a thing to be grasped because He was God. Are we? Well, we as flesh and bone are not God, yes we are all immortal, but we do not share the attributes with God that define Him. I do not wish to be like God because it is not built into me to wish for something such as this. I am manufactured to worship God, and thus eagerly anticipate my arrival in heaven. There is nothing I wish for more than to be in an eternal state of Glory where I can worship God outside of the parameters we are confined to. I do not wish to be like God, this would be a curse for anyone but God. Rather, I want to portray Him on this earth as an ambassador rather than an actor. It would be a burden for a man to wish to be God and to expect it to become a reality. If it ever did become a reality, it would be only his.

Application:  I honestly do not have an application for this passage so I will memorize.                
1 Corinthians 7:35
Philippians 2:4
 Not looking each of you to his own things, but each of you also to the things of others.

If you believe that you are a deeper thinker than someone, or an intellectual superior to someone, you may be right. However, the more likely reality is that you are wrong and thus excluding yourself from someone who could have influenced you because you won't listen to them. Most of the times I have found that the people who speak the loudest have the least to offer because they have no problem spewing out an underdeveloped idea or thought so that they may be heard. Those who are more reserved can often be reserved on account of them realizing that their thought may not be fully developed and thus not wanting to share for the sake of not confusing others. From the surface looking in, the one who had put his thought to words, premature as it might have been, may appear to be a deeper thinker. This is obviously not the case, but I can assure you that he would like to think himself to be. I now find myself approaching a delicate line, do I myself say things for the benefit of those around me? Or for the sole purpose of presenting myself as an intellectual superior? I can not answer this question completely for everything I say is a twisted concoction of right and wrong motives. I can rest assured though, that if I am being sensitive to the Spirit, He will guide my words and others will be blessed. I pray that I am not a clanging gong or a noisy symbols as referenced in 1 Corinthians 13. I hope that I do not drown out my companions with my over zealous proclamations. I hope that I can consider the words of others for a result of constant growth. I hope and pray that in everything I say, there is one constant to be found; Love.

Application: Do not speak in class for this whole week as pastor Don teaches.

 Proverbs 17:27-28
He that spareth his words hath knowledge; And he that is of a cool spirit is a man of understanding.
Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise; When he shutteth his lips, he is esteemed as prudent.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Philippians 2:3
 [Let] nothing [be done] through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.

You will never find yourself in trouble when you take these words to heart. Not that you will not ever be in trouble with people, but with God. Unfortunately, sometimes you will find yourself actually hurting other people if you do this. I want to address this particular case because everyone always talks about the positives of esteeming others better than yourself. There are negatives to an application of this verse also. I am speaking of when you are respecting someone and thus not taking the actions they would want you to take. You are respecting them and esteeming them better than yourself by following what The Lord has told you to do, but it isn't what they want. It comes down to doing what is best for that person. I am finding this very tough in my life right now and don't really know what to do. How far do I push in and press onward in this new exciting realm of relations? I need Gods guidance more than ever. I need to esteem you better than myself and do what is best for you. Not what we both want me to do. I'm so sorry that this is happening but I am so happy at the same time. God is really speaking to me about you and I can't wait for the future.

-God, please give me patience to wait for the exciting things you have for me. Please help me to honor You, and thus honor her

Eph 6:1
 Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.

 col 3:20
  Children, obey [your] parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord.

Let's not get carried away, if your parents ask you to sin, obviously you are to respectfully disobey. Circumstances other than this, however, leave one without exception; obey your parents. Obedience is such a difficult thing to have when it comes to your parents. I know that for me,in my teen years, I was able to obey my boss much easier than I was able to obey my parents. Familiarity does indeed breed contempt. I also found myself obeying my father much easier than obeying my mother. Why? Because I respected my father, not my mother. This was difficult because respect isn't given, it's earned. I had a very difficult time respecting her because of how much she lets her emotions dictate the things she says and does. She is an amazing Christian woman, but a difficult person for me to respect. Since then I have learned to respect God and thus respect the authority He has placed over me. To what end? I do not know, most likely to teach me humility. I know that He will use it to shape me into the person that he wants me to be. Obedience isn't always easy, but it is what we are called to.
Application: call my mom and tell her that I love her. 
Romans 6:16
Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?

Two projected outcomes. One of them has an infinitive amount of ways to achieve, the other, one. We all know which outcome has only one path that leads to its achievement. A funny thing slavery is, not that the unjust forcing of labor on others is funny, but the mentality required to participate in it. Especially when it comes to our desire to be masters over own persons. I know that in my own limited and somewhat juvenile experience, that even while being a Christian,  was making myself a slave of my flesh, and making myself a slave of the devil. It's not that I had to be, for Jesus had taken my sins, at least, the ones hat I had given to Him. As for the ones I really enjoyed, I hung out to those, for safe keeping of course. It was fully my decision and fully within my power to release them and run into Jesus' loving arms knowing that He had already broken the bonds of my sin, I just willingly hung on to some of it. Now, because I was and am in complete control over whether or not I give something to Jesus, seemingly, the whole concept of slavery would be eliminated. But this is a grave error that I know I have a tendency to make. I underestimate the way I am born to think. I don't give enough credence to the power that my emotions have over my mind. Then, even in that statement, I show that I do not fully consider the wickedness of my own thoughts. So now we are left with someone, me, who is full of emotions that are not derived from God, and a mind that is only influenced by God when I let it be. My own emotions try to make that a rare occasion when it concerns something or someone I am fond of. At this point, it is safe to say that anyone who decides they can successfully navigate themselves through life based off of their emotions and thoughts is a fool. They are especially ignorant if the believe that they could be good enough for heaven at the end of such a life being slaves to the very thing they profess to have mastery over, their flesh. For the sake of simplicity, let's combine our minds and emotions into one entity and call it our flesh. I know in my case that this is a fact that the entirety of my mind and the entirety of my emotions are evil. Even that choice to become a Christian was a selfish desire to not go to hell based on an exterior drawing of Gods Spirit and grace. At this point, we now have the freedom of choice, where before we didn't. We can now choose to let the newly residing Holly spirit work in us, or we can stay at a level of base Christianity reserved for those who are simply saved out of an instinct of self preservation. They, even though they have the option of freedom, choose to deny it and live in bondage. I am not going to conclude this with a cliche question of, "what master am I going to serve?", but a prayer that God would be the master of my life on account of me giving Him things I want.
Application: Selah

Acts 5:29
Then Peter and the [other] apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.

This concept is just about as simple as it gets in Christian theology, however a lack of its execution is the basis of every struggle we as Christians face. Obedience is a rather broad topic to discuss, which encapsulates being obedient to God over showing obedience to man. For instance if a man tells us to do or not do something, and we can clearly see that God has shown us likewise, or it can be backed up Biblically, than we can walk in accordance with both. However, the inverse of this concept does not likewise function. For instance, if the two are in disagreement, than obviously we are to choose to obey our master in heaven. Once again we are brought back to the topic of faith. Not simply because we are tied to it as Christians, but because the amount of it we have dictates our level of compliance. It requires much less faith to be blown about by the things we can see rather than the things we profess to know, I'm this instance they are not one and the same. I employ the word profess because I find it very curious that the average Christian professes to believe in heaven and hell, but shows a naive level of indifference when it comes to living with such thoughts at the forefront of their mind. If we really do believe that this life on earth is nothing more than a slight detour from our inevitable eternity of Glory, or, of suffering, than why would we ever live for anything here on earth. I and those who also believe in a heaven and a literal hell should be living in response to that belief. Our fleshly and earthly minds are constantly fighting this mentality, or our thoughts persuade us to try and create our perception of paradise here on earth. I can profess to know that heaven is greater than anything imaginable, but that right there is the problem just as much as it is the beauty. I cannot imagine what heaven will be like because I can only think under the strict parameters of a human mind. I do not have the mental capacity to think of new colors that I haven't experienced. Likewise I can not think of a new sense, nor can I even begin to mentally experience new sensations to suit the new sense. Even with these seemingly wonderful things, I am still thinking within the parameters of earth. I am not limiting Gods ability, I am simply unable to even ponder it. Just because I can not think like Him, doesn't mean that He is limited to the parameters of my mind. We know this to be false, thus we can believe that heaven will be better than anything we can imagine. However, I feel Christians often accept that heaven will be greater than they can imagine, but it frustrates them that they cannot imagine what it will be like. I was often frustrated with the very thing that made it so beautiful. So I obeyed the will of men above God that I might one day manufacture a counterfeit of paradise here on earth through experiences. I'm not speaking of drugs or anything so blatantly sinful, but the incessant need for more surf trips and a cooler place to be and fun stuff to do instead of serving God. As embarrassing as it is to admit, I even thought that money would solve my problems; that by going to college and getting a high paying job, I might be able to provide for my own selfish ventures. As much as this earth is for our enjoyment, the moment we start living for the enjoyment we find here is the moment we begin living for a counterfeit. The weight of eternal glory should be more than enough to discourage such thoughts but unfortunately our flesh is weak. I find that the only time I can even begin to obey God over men is when I am spending time in His word and being sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Apart from these two strings, I am lost in a darkened room of enjoyable sensations that are ultimately empty and counterfeit by nature.
Application: write eternity on my arm. Right next to "Be a man".     
Colossians 1:11
 Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness;

How is it that we as humans could ever be joyful on this planet? We are aware of the emptiness of it all, and yet we strive for that which we call empty. It is humiliating how much we beg for things for the purpose of filling some kind of hole that only Jesus can fill. We are never content when we try those things out, not that we thought they would bring us fulfillment, but maybe we just wanted a little piece of happiness we knew would be fleeting. I am fully aware of the fact that anything apart Jesus will not bring me any kind of lasting happiness, but I still let myself be ripped apart by my own mind on whether or not I should participate in a particular activity that is not pleasing to God. I am utterly ashamed of myself because not only do I know the truth and act contrary to it, but I continue to do so knowing the results of my actions before I commit them. I don't believe in a solitary metaphorical hole that Jesus can fill. I believe we are an array of doors and mazes, winding staircases and secret cellars. We challenge people to catch us doing whatever wrong we are committing, and maybe we even think because of how well we are hiding things, that we can conceal things from the Holy Spirit in us. Inside of secret rooms, hidden behind secret doors in my heart there is dormant evil waiting for its appetite to be wetted. Often times I find myself ignoring the existence of such a curse until I feel like drawing some twisted form of happiness from it. The rest of the time, I painfully ignore the Holy Spirit when it goes to those doors and knocks. We are all cursed by our sin; every one of us. The really sad part of the whole thing is that Jesus broke that curse and is trying to help us clear out the remnants of it. We hold onto those remnants not because we are scared, but because we do not love Jesus enough to get rid of them. At least, I know that is the cause in my particular case.

Every metaphorical door is a battle; a hard fought battle at that. Jesus is trying to win that battle for us but we inhibit His efforts and plead for Him to have mercy on that thing we find ourselves drawn to. He knows that for every room He empties, we will be flooded with a new measure of joy. I find this to be a good time to explain my thoughts on joy. Joy is something that only God can grant us. It is an internal possession that Jesus fills us with. Happiness can be granted from any form of worldly fulfillment, but it is deceitfully fleeting. Joy is an everlasting side effect of what Christ does for us and is directly proportional with how much we love Jesus and let Him clean us up. When we have joy, we are not dependent on the circumstances we find ourselves in. This sets us apart from the rest of humanity, and that is exactly what it is intended to do. How could anyone be happy in appearance after being beaten, bloody and thrown into a jail cell covered in all kinds of unpleasant things. We find such joy in the book of acts and thus cannot deny its existence or the potential joy we could have in our own lives. Long suffering both physical and mental in nature will utterly devour any form of happiness in anyone's life. It is the joy we find in Christ that helps us carry on through the most horrific circumstances. Christ never told us being followers of Him would be easy. What we find in the Bible speaks the opposite. We are naive to not think persecution will befall us if we are walking in the commands of someone the world despised and still despises to this day. John 7:7 "The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil."
Sometimes we won't know why terrible things are happening to us. We will expect an explanation from God. We will try our best to restrain thoughts such as "if you are a good and loving God, how could you let this happen to me?". These thoughts may even evolve into words which spew from our mouths full of malice and hate for the God we profess to love. Matthew 11:6 "But blessed is [he], who is not be offended by me." But if we let ourselves come to this place, we will soon be overwhelmed by the love that Jesus showed for us. That He would be tortured and defiled beyond recognition on behalf of the most selfish and cruel race on this planet. That the king of everything would for no logical reason step down from His throne on our Behalf and let us do with Him what we wished. I can find joy through Jesus who dwells in me, knowing of His long suffering and remembering what He did for me, and what I did and do to Him. He gives me joy through the most difficult circumstances and I have found that the more rooms I let Him fill, the more filled with joy I am.

Application: take a walk and think and pray. 
John 15:14
 Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.

This is an interesting verse because it is Jesus who is saying it to His disciples. I could shrug this off as if it were not applicable to me because this was when God was fully man for a time. But I believe that would be a terrible error. While I prefer to think of God as my father, this is such a refreshing new look on the whole matter. How much more personal does it make our relationship with God? I am reminded of my own best friend. He isn't my best friend because I feel any kind of obligation to him, but because i have the best earthly relationship with him that I could ever hope to have with anyone. Turns out that my best friend is in fact my father. This  enables me to draw a very real parallel between him and God. Myself and my father have our best times when I am living in submission to his commands and rules, which are for my best interest. When I am walking in accordance with his will, he does not have to be my father in a disciplinary sense anymore. Not that he stops being my father, but he can be my best friend. He loves to be my best friend, but it is completely up to me wether he can or not. He has to be my father first; he has to make sure my path is straight and guide me through life because he loves me and has my best interest at heart. This verse shows that the same is true with God. We are His friends when we are following His commands, this does not say we will not endure hardship when we are on His "good side", for even when I am in loving obedience to my father and we are driving to go surf somewhere, a flat tire is not eliminated from our list possible fates. However I will say that I will be able to enjoy changing that flat tire with my dad because our relationship is one that it doesn't matter what we are doing as long as it is done together. The same is true with God. Our trials will be bearable and maybe even enjoyable when we are living side by side with God, obeying His commands and actively seeking to be His friend. It won't matter if we are washing dishes, sweeping the floor, or teaching a sermon. If we are doing it with, and for, our friend Jesus, it will be enjoyable.

Application: memorize this verse. 
Psalm 17:15
As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness.

As I have already stated, being completely content here on earth is an impossibility. This is especially true with a Christian. We should be constantly anticipating the day we are with Christ and thus, made like Him. How beautiful of a picture. It is certain in my eyes that this life here on earth is nothing to be content with. Knowing the eminence of our eternal glory, how could we settle for anything less?

Application: Be content with anticipation.

Hebrews 13:5
[Let your] conversation [be] without covetousness; [and be] content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.

Could it be that possessions are not what this applies to most, but circumstances? That we are to be content with whatever state we find ourselves in? That we are to suppress the inner drive each one of us possesses for more, that we might not knowingly step outside the will of God Himself. I would not go so far to say that we should never not be willing to move on from a current state or that we are always to be completely content with a current scenario, for God also utilizes human impulses and desires to compliment His Devine will. But I would argue that a man must be able to sit and wait on The Lord with peace in his heart knowing that anything he does outside of Gods will has no choice but to be worse than what God originally intended. For a man to scrap with what he knew to be right so that he might act on how he felt; an awful realization would be imposed on him when he realized the very thing that he reached for fell through because it wasn't God's timing, and maybe it wasn't even God's will. There he would rest where disappointment and regret collide in one torturous swirl of emotion. Which then leads to the next logical step of finding a way to eliminate this possible outcome from my life. The only way to fully do this would be to know God's intent from now till the day I am carried up. But even if I were privileged with such information I cannot confidently say I would act according to it(being His will) and not my will. It is much like a father withholding from his child the contents of a box. It is wrapped in Christmas paper and sitting under the tree until the timing is appropriate. If he told His child what the box contained, there would be no surprise when it was opened; there would be no joy. It would be expected and not anticipated. How often did I as a child beg my parents to tell me what I was getting for Christmas. The second my gifts were placed under the tree was the second I became discontent not knowing their contents. I knew I would be getting something, but that alone wasn't enough for me. How similar this is to the way I interact with God. I know that His will for my life is a present, and a better one than I could ever have hoped to conjure up in my mind. I know beyond a the very shadow of a doubt that I should want nothing outside of His will and timing, but I still beg for my gifts now. I still cast my longing eyes on the future begging God to satisfy my curiosity. But if He did this every time, He would be spoiling the surprises that He has for me.
in these times of waiting, I often find myself not content. I feel like God isn't really saying anything to me and I think that this grants me the right to make things happen myself. The truth is that God has never left me or forsaken me. He takes delight in me when I am faithful, and is sad when I sin. But He doesn't just leave me when I act contrary to what he would have me do. We are blessed with a father who's love is not conditional. Who desires to give us good gifts. I know this but cannot rationalize it. We deserve less than nothingness. We deserve hell. How silly it is for us to demand things from God out of a lack of contentment, and then when we hear no answer, act in sin that we may attain something we wanted.

Application: write "Be a man" on my arm so I don't forget to be a man who's heart is after God alone.  
Hebrews 6:12
That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

Oh, that I might follow the example of those who have gone before me who were renown for their love of Christ. I pray that one day I may also be known. Not on my behalf, but for the work that Christ has done in me and through me. I used to naively think it to be self-centered for a Christian to live his life for the moment when he hears the Father say "well done my good and faithful servant". But then I realized that it is all we should be living for. We are all given an immense desire for heaven. It is built into us by God that He may draw us to Himself that we may be transformed and used. Without this desire for heaven, why would anyone desire to be a Christian, and without this desire, why would anyone even want to do good works. Our existence would be pointless. We have a built in desire for heaven, and to be worshippers. These two predispositions dwell in every man to some extent and are one in the same. We desire to worship Christ and will worship anything and everything until we find Him. How do I know this? Because everyone worships something and that thing or person eventual looses it's attraction to the worshiper and then the distraught worshiper become enamored with something else, then something else. Eventually, when they hopefully find Christ, the value of this world is stripped away and they realize that there is nothing else worthy of their worship. Not that their worship is meaningful, but because God so far exceeds anything they could have ever hoped for. This is what keeps the Christian faithful and diligent, an awareness of the things to come after this life here on earth. This is in a sense what a Christian is patient for, knowing that He does not deserve heaven but will still find himself there by the grace of God, he can wait a few years and be in the service of God. It is my desire that through the Holy Spirit in me, many other people may inherit the Abrahamic promise that we by no means are worthy to inherit. We are not only beneficiaries of Gods promise to Abraham that all nations will be blessed, but we are spiritual sons and daughters of him. God did make him a great nation, just not in the manner he probably expected God to do so. He always keeps His promises, it is our decision to accept the blessing He desires to give us, or forever be separated from Him. To be eternally separated from what our souls have an ever increasing desire to worship, what could be a more torturous existence to a human?

Oh the joy I find from being a servant of such a great master. Not that I count myself worthy to be in His service, but that He has broken down every wall for all of our sakes. He is my peace.

Application: Be diligent for the kingdom. Not for the sake of any one in authority over me apart from God, but for the sake of my longing to hear my Father say "well done my good and faithful servant in whom I am well pleased". 
1 Timothy 6:6-8
But godliness with contentment is great gain.
 For we brought nothing into [this] world, [and it is] certain we can carry nothing out.
And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.

 Oh, to be completely content. How would it feel? I don't know that there is a single person on this earth who is completely content, much like there is not a single person here who is without sin. Not that it is an impossible task, for Jesus was content, but for us, it may just be impossible. I am reminded of my own foolishness that I am plagued with each and every day. Like a shadow, it follows me and only vanishes when the cross is at the forefront of my mind. When I think about what Jesus endured for our sakes. I become content, not wishing for the things of this world but simply longing to be in His unrestricted presence. This however, is a fleeting thought for me and is soon swirled around by the cares of this world. Thoughts that may not even be sinful in nature, but become so when they distract me from Christ. Many times, I restrain myself myself from voicing my lack of contentment via complaints and wishful thinking. I hold back who I am so that people will hopefully be deceived into believing I am a "better person" than I really am. Furthermore, I may say things I don't really mean for the sake of presenting myself as something apart from my true heart. Even when people express thoughts which seem to be well intentioned, apart from God, they are selfish statements for self benefit. I am reminded so often that there are no "good people". Anything in us apart from Christ is evil which makes me feel all the more foolish when I am not content. How could we not be content with everything we have in Christ when we deserved worse than nothingness? Hardwired to this world and only give God a thought when it is convenient for me. I think of God often here because I reside in an environment that is designed to cater to that convenience. But how faithful can I be in the world without such a fertile environment? I believe how faithful I am is directly connected to how much I let the Holy Spirit master my thoughts and my emotions. Under my own will, I cannot be faithful to think heavenly minded, and therefor, under my own will I cannot be content.

Application: Say thank you to people as often as I can and write it on my arm. I believe a thankful heart is the second best step to having a content heart.  
Hebrews 11:6
But without faith [it is] impossible to please [him]: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and [that] he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

looking back on my life, I can clearly see that I have always believed in a creator. I have always had faith that we didn't just appear; that all of the matter and elements that make up the universe didn't just come from no where. Time space and matter cannot spontaneously create themselves at the same instance in history. I never had enough faith to be an atheist.  With that being said, I never had enough faith to let God be the supreme ruler and director of my life. I never bothered to ask Him to guide me and to be my master. I believed in Jesus' Lordship and in the inherency of the Gospels, but I loved my sin too much. I was not pleasing God. I may have thought that I was, but I didn't have the kind of faith to live my life with Heaven in mind.
it is vital to follow a thought to its logical end. If we do indeed believe in the God of the Bible, Yahweh, than what are we doing not giving Him our whole life. If this life really is just a blink in comparison to eternity, why would we hold back from God? We are like foolish children playing about in the mud of this world when eternity with Christ is promised us; be in the world but not of the world. He has done so much more for us than we could ever hope to do for Him. So why would we hold back little portions of our life that we find pleasurable, if He finds them detestable. I am not just speaking of obvious sin such as pornography or stealing. These are obviously going to separate us from God. I would rather take this time to speak more of the little things in our life that might not even appear to us as sinful, or are easily justifiable, that just as efficiently taint the beautiful thing that Christ is trying to make us. Before I name specific things, let me say this; their is no horizontal line or happy medium. You are either for Christ, or for Satan. Just because I am a Christian does not mean that I cannot please Satan with my actions. Everything we do will either bring us closer to God, or farther away from Him. This entails, but is not limited to: the music we listen to, the movies we watch, the people we fellowship with, the words we use, and the way we spend our time.
If the things we do are not bringing us closer to Christ, than we are not diligently seeking Him. I can so clearly see the areas I fall short in. Especially In regards to the way I spend my time. God has given us this time on earth and we can either use it to curse His name, or bless Him. I pray that I will spend my time doing the latter. I need to be constantly bringing myself to look at the big picture. With eternity in mind, it becomes much harder to live for worldly pleasures of the now. I pray that I would please God with my faith and that I would diligently seek Him that He may add to my faith. My reward from my Father is found in, and is consumed by Heaven. I should not desire a reward here on earth. To have faith in Christ is to live for Him.
Find a verse that reminds me to be more heavenly minded and memorize it by Saturday.

 "Create in me a clean heart oh God, restore in me the joy of your salvation".
Revelation 1:9
 I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.

How comforting it is to have brothers and sisters with us during our tribulations. Knowing the reassurance of other Christians going through the same struggles we as Christians are going through, or have already gone through is a comfort indeed. Interacting with a tangible entity with which we can share our thoughts knowing one and other to be like minded servants of the king is a cause for joy. A friendship that finds its foundation in Jesus Christ is everlasting by nature and will never be broken only if it's members cease to seek Christ. This is true for even the closest of friendships which we like to call marriages. Which brings an other thought, the difference of the percentage of people who claim to be Christians in the USA and the total population of married peoples should be the approximate divorce rate, which would be about eight percent. Unfortunately we know this not to be so. What a great defilement that is the current status of marriage. Oh how the prince of the aer delights himself in destroying everything The Lord holds so dear and close to His heart. This obviously includes the collective body of the church which Satan loves nothing more than to vandalize. He, much like Christ, does not relent. Usually when it seems he has relented, he just won the battle that he was fighting. Thankfully for us, Christ is miter than he. It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking Satan and God are apposing forces of almost equal strength. There could be nothing further from the truth. Satan, is at most, a little weaker than an arch angel. That should bring so much comfort to the believer as he wonders through tribulations. I know that I am comforted by this.
if I were in this relationship with God for an earthly reward or fulfillment, it would not be worth the trouble. If I were here in Antigua because I didn't have an alternative option, or I thought it might bring me some from of happiness, or maybe I thought I might "find myself" as it were, it would be wise to correct my mistake and get on the next plane back to Florida. For what reason should I be here? "...for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ." Any other reason is ultimately rooted in stupidity. However I find myself here for different reasons each and every day. I pray for God to change my heart and am joyful for the work that He has and continues to do in me. However, I am still a human overflowing with fleshly desires which seek to rob me of all that God has for me. Anytime I even think an unkind thought towards someone, I am forgetting why I am here. By the nature of my humanistic tendencies, I am overcome each day. The only thing good that dwellers in me is Christ that is in me.

Application: pray that God would remind me every second of everyday why I am here.

Matthew 6:33-34
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day [is] the evil thereof.

We are all given a desire to seek God and His kingdom called heaven. It is an unquenched thirst to be with God forever in a perfect place because we see the fallen nature of earth. Seeking the kingdom of God, however, is more than merely desiring to be there. It includes having a love for God as well. God promises to provide for our needs if we are diligently seeking Him here on earth. While my understanding grasps this, it is a difficult task to live my life accordingly. This proves to be especially true when it comes to money. This is because in my mind, money is math. And math is black and white, true or false. You either have it or you do not. I limit God in my life. I believe He can provide for all of my needs, but I do not believe that He will. I lack faith, not because I doubt Gods ability. But because I as a human confine myself to looking at things in the parameters of this earth. Oh, how foolish I am indeed. I trust God to do what is best, however I do not put the expectation on Him of doing what I persevere to be best. I need to allow myself to rely on God for today and not worry about tomorrow. I have to break this spell of seeing reality through my human eyes. I need to focus on the work at hand which is furthering His kingdom.

Monday, March 3, 2014

James 3:13-17
Who [is] a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? let him shew out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom. But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth.
 This wisdom descendeth not from above, but [is] earthly, sensual, devilish. For where envying and strife [is], there [is] confusion and every evil work. But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, [and] easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.

In this passage, we are being instructed on how to be wise;  It would be foolishness to not take the words of it to heart. The first statement we are presented with emphasizes the benefit of a good conversation with some as opposed to meaningless boasting. The alternative is a group setting filled with people who are seeking to one-up everyone else. Meekness of wisdom, this is so challenging to me because for so long my goal in life was to let everyone know that I was smarter than everyone else. I may have had knowledge, but I certainly had no great amount of wisdom and I can promise you that I was not meek. I still struggle with this. I boast in the very things that God has blessed me with an inclination for, as if they were mine to take pride in.
anything that lies against the truth(God) is demonic by nature. Just like there are two sides of a coin, there are two sides of truth. The Devil is sly and uses deceit and lies to mask the truth. It is his oldest trick and it is still employed by him because it still works. Here is a good rule of thumb, if there is a Symbol or holiday with a Christian meaning, anything that takes attention from that Christian meaning is demonic. For example, Christmas has Santa and Easter has a bunny. Easter was actual demonic from its conception as it was a holiday dedicated to the goddess Estar, only recently was it given a Christian meaning, but that is a rabbit trail. The point is, if anyone professes anything as truth that is not from God, it is from Satan and can not be taken lightly. We are, at the very least not to partake in these lies or condone them. Ephesians 5:11 "have nothing to de with the deeds of darkness but rather expose them."
We are then given a criteria for what wisdom which comes from The Father will look like. The phrase which entices me the most is that which says wisdom is without partiality, and without hypocrisy. Wisdom is wisdom is truth. There is an underlying implication of an absolute. How can wisdom not show partiality if it is equally applicable to every man who has ever lived? It cannot. Furthermore we are hypocrites if we try to profess the previous question as truth. We cannot let ourselves fall into a state of believing the truth to be true but then not walking accordingly. If we were honest, I would imagine we all would admit to doing this every day. It's called sin. Anytime we sin, we are going against what we profess to believe; thus showing ourselves to be a fine display of hypocrisy. Oh how much we need God's grace.

I will apologize to the people I treat wrongly wether it be behind there back or to there face. Ian can do his best to keep me accountable but it is ultimately up to me. 
James 1:5
If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all [men] liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

It's funny how James starts this verse with the word "if". By examining the population of the world today, it is, in most cases quite clear that there is not one person who does not lack wisdom. I would then go to validate this statement by saying no one is wise when compared to The Lord. Everyone who reads the first phrase of this verse should feel compelled to put into practice the latter part. Unless they think themselves as wise as God.
James states that we are to ask God for wisdom. What does he mean by asking? Is it a verbal request we are to put forth every time we have a need or desire for wisdom? Or do we ask God to pour it out by giving Him our life as an empty vessel waiting to be filled? We ask God for wisdom with our worship and our prayer. By worship, I am referring to much more than the act of singing song, I am referring to your life. God is not a gene in a bottle waiting to grant our every heart's desire. However He will bless those who are true worshippers with His resources.

Application: pray for wisdom for I am devoid of it indeed.

Luke 21:19
 In your patience possess ye your souls.

Considering that this verse is found in a passage that Jesus is speaking about end times, I find it most understandable if we talk about it as such. However, this does little to narrow down a time period considering we have been living in the "end times" since Jesus' ascension. Or, the Dispensation of Grace. We are to be a light to this world and proclaim the love of Christ to all the nations and to patiently await the coming of our Lord, knowing that He could return at any moment. It is a difficult balance that one must find. We are to posses our souls with patience, but to also have a sense of urgency concerning the work at hand; for no man knows the day or the hour. We as Christians should not be caught off guard nor surprised when He does indeed return. We must also be firm in our understanding of His promises, knowing that they will come to pass.
Being patient is part of persevering. One cannot exist without the other. Patients is the very engine which drives perseverance. That is to say, without patients perseverance would be reduced to nothing more than a mentality possessed by the majority of people I have come in contact with. What happens to the children that grow up in Sunday school? Surly their should be more firm Christians out there who are living their lives according to God's purpose. What happens? We grow up, we buy things, we sell our souls to obtain things we cannot keep and become people we never intended to be. We see the flaws in this mentality from a very young age, yet are over come by it once we are of age. We, as a generation, lack the faith to preserver in our Christian walk, not being able to trust the promises of God. This lack of faith can then only find it's logical conclusion in disbelief. Who could settle for the muck and mire of this world when eternal glory is promised us? For that man, we should all weep. I once was that man.

Acts 8:15-16
Who, when they were come down, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Ghost: (For as yet he was fallen upon none of them: only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.)
I feel very ill equipped to read and interpret this passage for I do not fully understand it. However, I pray that I was guided by my father as I read and wrote.

The people of Samaria received the Gospel, and were baptized, but they did not receive the Holly Spirit. This clearly shows that having faith in the Gospel does not necessarily mean that you have received the Holly Spirit to the fullest extent; they are two separate events. However the only of the two that is salvific is the reception and the acceptance of the Gospel. The Holy Spirit filling someone to overflowing is then an addition of the initial work that Christ has done in a life. Peter and John obviously saw the importance of the Spirit because they were filled and had seen Him work in and through them. The Holy Spirit is our companion, He is a gift from God, and I desire to be filled with Him on a daily basis. I would plead for that to be everyone's prayer that we all might walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh. That we might receive the gifts He has to offer us when they are thought necessary by Him. Not for the purpose of drawing attention to us, but too point to our Lord and Savior. For that is the only purpose of ALL the gifts it discerningly bestows upon us. Furthermore, we are not holders of any gift. We can not use Him if He does not wish to be used. The Holy Spirit is a comforter and a barometer for us. He convicts us and shows us that we need That which only Jesus can offer, redemption.

I know that this is a very stereotypical application, but it is the only thing that seems fitting for this passage. I will and do, pray everyday for the Spirit to work in me that I may be used to bring glory to my father. Also, that I will be eager to hear and head His correction regarding the things in my life that are not pleasing to Jesus.  
Acts 8:15-16
Who, when they were come down, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Ghost: (For as yet he was fallen upon none of them: only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.)
I feel very ill equipped to read and interpret this passage for I do not fully understand it. However, I pray that I was guided by my father as I read and wrote.

The people of Samaria received the Gospel, and were baptized, but they did not receive the Holly Spirit. This clearly shows that having faith in the Gospel does not necessarily mean that you have received the Holly Spirit to the fullest extent; they are two separate events. However the only of the two that is salvific is the reception and the acceptance of the Gospel. The Holy Spirit filling someone to overflowing is then an addition of the initial work that Christ has done in a life. Peter and John obviously saw the importance of the Spirit because they were filled and had seen Him work in and through them. The Holy Spirit is our companion, He is a gift from God, and I desire to be filled with Him on a daily basis. I would plead for that to be everyone's prayer that we all might walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh. That we might receive the gifts He has to offer us when they are thought necessary by Him. Not for the purpose of drawing attention to us, but too point to our Lord and Savior. For that is the only purpose of ALL the gifts it discerningly bestows upon us. Furthermore, we are not holders of any gift. We can not use Him if He does not wish to be used. The Holy Spirit is a comforter and a barometer for us. He convicts us and shows us that we need That which only Jesus can offer, redemption.

I know that this is a very stereotypical application, but it is the only thing that seems fitting for this passage. I will and do, pray everyday for the Spirit to work in me that I may be used to bring glory to my father. Also, that I will be eager to hear and head His correction regarding the things in my life that are not pleasing to Jesus.  
Colossians 3:16
 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

Be in the word and be in fellowship, these are the fundamentals of growing in Christ. What does it mean to let the word of Christ dwell in you richly? It certainly does not mean to read a chapter in your Bible every morning as your devotions and then proceed to live your life. The word of God is a powerful living entity that we as Christians are to take part in. We are to study it that we may glean wisdom and knowledge concerning humanity, life, death, and our father. If we let the word of The Lord richly dwell in us, it will transform us.
When you take to heart the word of The Lord and see the work it is doing in you, it would only seem natural for you to desire to share revelations with others. This is called fellowship, when we are building one another up in Christ. It is imperative for your walk with God that you fellowship with other like minded people. For a long time, I did not have any like minded friends. I would often surround myself with people who simply didn't know what they believed. At the time, I didn't even notice the negative effects they were having on me. Looking back on it I can so clearly see where I went astray and the reason why. I had no fellowship with Christian friends.
when I read the last portion of this verse, I am reminded of an elderly English man that attends my church. He always has a word of encouragement or a psalm on his lips. He has prophesied to me and ministered to me on such a personal level that all I do is hope I will become like him one day. He is the most gentle and genuine man I have ever met, and his name is pastor Howard.  When I think of someone who has emptied themselves and presented God with an empty vessel to fill, I think of him. It is so comforting to see and interact with people who have gone before you on the path that you are traveling, who can counsel you and admonish you when needed. Who do things out of love and compassion, not selfish ambition. I know that I am not as far down the path as pastor Howard is, but I also know that I am further down the path than a lot of other people. Why shouldn't I strive to teach and encourage my brothers and sisters in Christ in a like manner?
Application: this is going to be a fun application for everyone. If you, yes all of you, see or hear of me being negative or discouraging to someone, PLEASE, call me out.
 The fear of the LORD [is] the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do [his commandments]: his praise endureth for ever.
If the fear of The Lord is the beginning of wisdom, than such a statement excludes everyone but Christians from being wise. Which resounds accordingly with the old saying "don't take advice from anyone you wouldn't trade places with". I certainly would not trade places with anyone who is unsaved, so why would I ever take advice from anyone who finds the self in such a state? More often than not, a non-Christian or even a baby Christian will not tell you what you need to hear. They will tell you what you want to hear; they will feed your flesh.  It is shameful that our reasons for seeking worldly counsel are a byproduct of our self seeking desires. It can reveal our motives and our true heart in an unsettling way. You don't have to be humble or even sincere to ask a worldly man for worldly advice. In my youth, I would often find myself needing Godly counsel from my parents, and not getting it because I did not ask for it. How foolish it is to love your sin enough to be drowned by it. My fear of God did not outweigh my love of sin and unfortunately, it still does not. Any amount of knowledge that I have is trumped by my absolute lack of wisdom. I do fear The Lord, and anyone else can say this all day long. But how do you prove such a statement? I would assume that any continuing sin in your life would prove the contrary.
if you fear The Lord, you will worship Him and you will hate sin. If you do not fear The Lord and love your sin, He will still be worshiped. Just not by you. He is not missing out when we aren't worshipping Him, we are. Not that God is not delighted by our worship, if it is sincere of course, but He doesn't need it. Luke 19: 39-40 "And some of the Pharisees from among the multitude said unto him, Master, rebuke thy disciples. And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out." Worship is not for God as much as it is for us. It's a life that He has blessed us with, we just have to hate our sin enough to live it.

Application: I lay down sin in my life that I hold onto, not just because I am here at ignite and it is easy to do so. But wherever The Lord takes me.

What an interesting premise to think about, "numbering our days". On the one hand, we could live our lives accordingly, on the other hand, we would alter our lives and potentially neglecting things that we shouldn't neglect. Furthermore, not all would be pleased with how soon Gods appointed hour might come. For instance, if I knew that I were going to die in three years, I would not seek to be married out of compassion for the woman I love. However, God may have intended me to be married and I would have missed out on something He had for me, and though I know it seems depressing, she may have missed out on something God had for her also. Because no one knows the time or hour of there death, we know not how they would respond to such enlightenment. Thus we can not derive a conclusion as to how certain categories of people would react. All we can do is theorize. But I would challenge the importance of even pondering such a topic. After all, what is the Christian man to do with such information? Apply his heart to wisdom? We have a good Master who knows the hour He will choose to take us. He is perfection and His timing can be described in a like manner, no matter how inconvenient we may think it is. Moses was looking forward to the coming of Christ, we are looking back at it. We have no excuse to not employ our hearts in the search for wisdom each and every day. God has dispensed more than enough revelation for us to have faith. We, understanding that earth is not our home, would be fools to store up treasure here. Eternity is promised us by the Creator of everything seen and unseen; the God who breathed life into our lungs. He has stored a desire for heaven in our hearts and He will reward us by fulfilling that desire if we live our life for Him. To hear my father say well done good and faithful servant. A greater reward than this is unfathomable.
Application: Let go of the that which God has told me to let go of.

It's funny how much the grammatical structure of a sentence can alter the way it reads. "But the fruit of the Spirit is love." Not, but the fruits of the Spirit are. This reads as love being the fruit of the spirit, and then it goes on to list attributes of love. It's as if there should be a semi-colon after love, not a comma. So the evidence of the Holy Spirit being in someone is the presence of love, which manifests itself under the appearances of joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, and temperance. The only perfect human example of these attributes is Jesus. Oh, how far we fall short of His example on a daily basis. This comparison is not presented with the intention of condemning, but for the purpose of exemplifying how much we as humans need grace that only Jesus can dispense.
Now that we have isolated the different qualities that are evidence of Love and the Holy Spirit, it is necessary to take a close, but not to close, look at each one. Joy, happiness is fleeting but joy is eternal. Peace, something that cannot be found apart from God. In war or in a time of silence, there is no peace apart from God. Gentleness, it seems self-explanatory, but I would argue the opposite. Gentleness can be placed under a purely physical connotation, but I believe it is far more meaningful when displayed through words. Look at how gentle Jesus was with Peter in John 13. Instead of getting frustrated with Peter's zeal and defiance, He was gentle. Goodness, being and doing good without any prodding or hope of an earthly reward. Faith, giving your life for Jesus is faith. To see the big picture of eternity as God has revealed it to us and to live accordingly; that is faith. Meekness, to not boast in self. To let your self be hidden behind Jesus. That when you converse with someone, they might see Jesus in you, not the hideous thing that is you. Temperance. I would argue that this trait can be best expose when someone is treated unjustly, and does not return evil for evil. How often do we let our pride rear it's ugly head. We can see all of these traits so clearly when we look at Jesus, my hope is that someone might catch a glimpse of them in me.

The absence of any one of these traits is the presence of their antonym, which is sin by nature. I will dedicate a ten minute slot of prayer each morning to asking God to help me better exemplify these traits in my life. 
You never know how selfish you can be until you are placed into a position where that selfishness can manifest itself. This somewhat goes without saying, but it is absolutely vital to what I am going to say next. We often feel that we are better people than the corrupt people in power. That we could do a better job. This may be true that we could do a better job, but there is no such thing as "better people". My basis for saying this is rooted in the argument that there are no good people. There are just bad people and God who changes those people. The only difference between us and Barrack Obama is that he is the president of the United States. It is so easy to look at him and bad mouth him because of the massive amounts of money he spends on vacations when The United States are trillions of dollars in debt, but we can't be too sure that any of us wouldn't be taking those enjoyable family vacations. I'm not saying I agree with what he is and stands for, but I don't know how I would act in such a situation. I cannot say for sure that I would not tell my servant to prepare my meal and feed me before he feed himself because I have never had a servant. Now, knowing who I am and how I have reacted under the conditions of being a leader, such as at camps and things I can safely say that I enjoy serving people to some extent and do try to be sensitive to the needs of others. But there are other issues that I have, ones that are difficult for me to act appropriately when I am tempted by them. I tell myself I won't fall, but then I often do. I I have realized that I can't win certain battles on my own but the best part about being a child of God is that I don't have to. I am not supposed to win battles by myself, I need Gods support and guidance or else I will fall.

Application: examine your heart. Realize that you are only one situation away from falling and ask God for strength.